Sunday, March 8, 2009

Solution to financial crisis - Islam

The current world situation was worse than all previous ones and that the Qur’an explained these problems 1400 years ago.

Three trillion dollars have been spent but still there is no change in the world economic situation: it has led to the failure of a number of banks around the world, seized-up money markets, led to a precipitous decline in property and stock values and generated nervous anxiety about the fate of the world economy and financial system.

There are three most important causes of this crisis, already explained in Islam, were:

• Living beyond means;

• Excessive and imprudent expansion of credit over a long period and gambling;

• The main and major cause is taking loan on interest.

Islam discourages living beyond means that leads to excessive borrowing. In the US total household debt rose from $705 billion or 60 percent of disposable income to $34 trillion or 134 percent of disposable income in 2008.

The main cause of this global financial crisis has however been Riba (interest).

“Islam promotes loans without interest. In Islam selling or buying based on interest is not allowed. Allah said in the Qur’an:

“Those who eat Riba (usury) will not stand (on the Day of Resurrection) except like the standing of a person beaten by Shaitan (Satan) leading him to insanity. That is because they say: “Trading is only like Riba (usury),”
whereas Allah has permitted trading and forbidden Riba (usury). So whosoever receives an admonition from his Lord and stops eating Riba (usury) shall not be punished for the past; his case is for Allah (to judge); but whoever returns [to Riba (usury)], such are the dwellers of the Fire - they will abide therein.

Allah will destroy Riba (usury) and will give increase for Sadaqat (deeds of charity, alms, etc.) And Allah likes not the disbelievers, sinners.” *(Qur’an, 2:275-276)*

Islam also does not allow short selling because it is stipulated clearly that “the thing which is not with you should not be sold.”

It means that not only selling anything you don’t own is prohibited, but also the thing which is not in your custody.

As an alternative, Islam has the system of Zakah and Awqaf institutions to make credit accessible to people who need it. Islam also strongly urges lenders to give respite to the borrowers in case of strained circumstances (like being jobless, ill or some unforeseen incidents) and even to write off the debt if it becomes extremely difficult for the borrowers to repay.

Allah said in the Qur’an:

“And if the debtor is in a hard time (has no money), then grant him time till it is easy for him to repay, but if you remit it by way of charity, that is better for you if you did but know.” *(Qur’an, 2:280)*

In Islam, increased buying and selling depends on the productivity. If productivity is increasing, buying and selling will increase. There will be no need for short selling or unnecessary interest-based loans. Islam doesn’t allow unnecessary and wasteful spending to increase saving and investment. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said while advising a person, ‘Borrow less and you will live like a free person.’

Caliph Umar Bin Al-Khattab reflected the same attitude towards borrowing by saying, “Beware of debt for it may be a cause of worry in the beginning and bankruptcy in the end.”

Friday, March 6, 2009

Ruling : Celebrating our Birthday and Prophet Birthday

Celebrating Our Birthday is also Not Allowed

 The evidence in the Quraan and Sunnah indicates that celebrating birthdays is a kind of bidah or innovation in religion, which has no basis in the pure shareeah. It is not permitted to accept invitations to birthday celebrations, because this involves supporting and encouraging bidah. Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):
 "Or have they partners with Allaah (false gods) who have instituted for them a religion which Allaah has not allowed...?"[al-Shoora 42:21]
"Then We have put you (O Muhammad) on a plain way of (Our) commandment. So follow that, and follow not the desires of those who know not. Verily, they can avail you nothing against Allaah (if He wants to puish you). Verily, the zaalimoon (wrongdoers) are awliyaa (protectors, helpers, etc.) to one another, but Allaah is the Wali (Protector, Helper) of the muttaqoon (pious)."[al-Jaathiyah 45:18-19]
"Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord, and follow not any awliyaa (protectors, helpers, etc.) besides Him. Little do you remember!" [al-Araaf 7:3]
According to saheeh reports, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever does something that is a not part of this matter of ours (i.e., Islam) will have it rejected" (reported by Muslim in his Saheeh); 
and "The best of speech is the Book of Allaah and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (pbuh) (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The most evil of things are those which have been newly invented (in religion), and every innovation is a going astray." 
There are many other ahaadeeth that convey the same meaning.
Besides being bidah and having no basis in shareeah, these birthday celebrations also involve imitation of the Jews and Christians in their birthday celebrations. The Prophet (pbuh) (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, warning us against following their ways and traditions: "You would follow the ways of those who came before you step by step, to such an extent that if they were to enter a lizard´s hole, you would enter it too." They said, "O Messenger of Allaah, (do you mean) the Jews and Christians?" He said, "Who else?" 
(Reported by al-Bukhaari and Muslim). 
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also said: "Whoever imitates a people is one of them."

Mawlid al-Nabi (the Prophets birthday)
 Attending a feast for a childs 
birthday and eating that food
Celebrating birthdays is an innovation in the religion of Allaah, and it is not permissible to do this. It is not permissible to eat the food that has been prepared for this occasion. Their claim that the food for the birthday celebration is for the guests does not make it excusable to eat it. Hospitality is subject to its own rulings, and matters are judged according to the intentions behind them. It is very clear that the food is being prepared for this innovated occasion, and eating this food is one of the things that helps them to persist in doing this. It is a kind of co-operation in sin and transgression. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 
"Help you one another in Al Birr and At Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression" [al-Maaidah 5:2] 
 Shaykh `Abd al-Kareem al-Khudayr 
 With regard to al-salaah al-naariyah, this is one of the innovated Sufi prayers; it is not permissible to attend those gatherings or to take part in them. 
